Resources Checklist
- Note application deadline on a calendar.
- Order multiple copies of your transcript and your test score reports.
- Prepare lists of activities and awards. Keep them in a safe place.
- Make copies of the application before and after it’s completed.
- Read the entire application prior to filling it out.
- Type all parts of the application (especially if handwriting is poor).
- Ask relevant people that you are in frequent contact with, such as teachers and community leaders, to write recommendations at least one month prior to deadline. Give them a resume detailing academic, extracurricular and personal achievements.
- Make copies of recommendation letters when you receive them.
- Send thank-you cards to all references.
- Have your essay proofread by an English teacher and your parents, then revise.
- Proofread your complete application at least twice before you mail it out.
- As a final check, have a trusted competent friend proofread your complete application.
- Create separate files for each school to which you apply.
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